Fenix <> Attentive: Integration for the Abandoned Checkout notifications

Fenix <> Attentive: Integration for the Abandoned Checkout notifications

Agenda: Shopify Checkout abandonment notifications with delivery estimates to the shoppers.

Introduction: Whenever shoppers abandon the checkout, Fenix will send the notification to the end customer with the estimated delivery date (EDD) for the respective items in the abandoned cart

Goal: To increase conversion rates when informing customers about their abandoned cart products by showing expected delivery dates in the mobile message before re-visiting the website. 83% of Shoppers say knowing the “Estimated time of arrival” is ‘Important’; more than ‘Search’ (75%) ‘Customer ratings’ (72%) & ‘Payment flexibility’ (34%) – Forrester Survey, 2020.

Current Platform Supported: Shopify.

Integration Procedure to be followed by Fenix team or Fenix Resellers

Step 1: Install Fenix attentive beta app into the customer account attentive account.
App URL: https://ui.attentivemobile.com/integrations/oauth-install?client_id=1e299554af7141d085e9d1b9f60d2725&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fcaprocessor.ppe.fenixcommerce.com%2Ffenixppecaprocessor%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Ffenix%2Fredirect

Step 2: Fenix team will generate auth token and will update the internal configuration.

  • Installing the Fenix attentive app will redirect to the Fenix page which will show the confirmation page which says the attentive and Fenix app has integrated successfully.

  • On this Page, we have to provide the production store name in the text box and need to click on submit button


Attentive Journey

  • Fenix is providing the default template for SMS.

  • Retailers need to create a custom journey template from scratch by selecting the Fenix cart abandonment template after successful app installation.

Steps to follow while creating Journey:

Journey Name: Fenix Cart Abandonment

Sample SMS Content:

Hello There, Looks like you didn't finish checking out. Estimated delivery date for your order is {delivery_date} Checkout Today {orderStatusURL}


Architecture Diagram
  • The Fenix team will Configure the job to pull the checkout Abandoned data from Shopify daily (Cron Job) and store that data in the Fenix system.

  • A separate Scheduled Job will pull all the latest checkout Abandoned data from the Fenix CA database

  • Fenix CA Processor will call the delivery estimate API of the respective Abandoned record and send the data to the attentive message API. The Attentive platform is responsible for sending the message to the end customer based on the Internal attentive rules




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