

Specifications :

  1. To show fenix delivery estimates on Product, Cart and Checkout pages.

  2. This plugin let you the position of Fenix widget on PDP pages.

  3. This plugin let you modify basic brand colors

  4. To attach additional stylings you should be able to override CSS for this particular widget.

  5. This plugin works best with Woocommerce plugin.


Requirements :

  1. Plugin

  2. Tenant ID

  3. Tenant Endpoint URL


Steps :

  1. Login to wordpress admin dashboard.

  2. Visit plugins

  3. Click on Add New

  4. Click on Upload Plugin (Attached below in this documentation)

  5. Upload Zip file

  6. Click on Install Now

  7. After successfully uploaded plugin. Click on Activate Plugin




  1. You should be able to See “Fenix Settings“ in the menu bar of wordpress. Visit the link.

  2. Here you should be able to save your Tenant ID and Tenant Endpoint URL which you were provided from Fenixcommerce team.

  3. Here you should be able to see minimal settings (color picker) for highlighting message based on your theme setup / theme branding.

  4. Position defines where you want to show Fenix widget on the product page. Each select option has definition on the right hand side visual image.

  5. If you have any specific position to show Fenix widget you can also take help of Unique HTML settings. This setting will override Position settings.

  6. You should be able to edit woocommerce settings.

  7. You should be able to see “Shipping“ settings.

  8. To enable FenixCommerce provided shipping methods, under Shipping zones you should be able to add shipping methods.

  9. Number of shipping methods you should be able to must be equal to number methods you have in FenixCommerce business console. Also one fallback shipping method.

  10. You have full control over regions and countries you want to show FenixCommerce provided shipping methods on the checkout pages.

  11. After Saving settings. You may want to visit product page. Which should look like below.



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