Shopify Theme CART Integration

Shopify Theme CART Integration

Fenix Shopping CART or Bag code snippet Features.

  • Snippet is enabled for “/cart“ in the URL.

  • Snippet shows estimated delivery dates in the widget.

Fenix Estimated Delivery Integration in CART or Shopping Bag

  • Duplicate the production or updated theme to move forward with the Fenix theme integration and to avoid any disturbance in the live theme. Refer to below sample screenshot

  • Rename the duplicated theme as Fenix Integration-yourthemename for better visibility and avoid confusion for other developers. Refer to below sample screenshot

  • Edit the theme code. Refer to below sample screenshot

  • Search Snippets keyword in the search and click on Add a new Snippet. Refer to below sample screenshot

  • Create and name the new snippet as fenix-cart-template.liquid and click Create Snippet button. Refer to below sample screenshot

  • fenix-cart-template.liquid Code snippet

<!-- START FENIX CONFIGURATION CODE--> <style> .fenix-fixd-delivery-cart { text-align: right; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left:-5% !important; } @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .fenix-fixd-delivery-cart { font-size: 14px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .fenix-fixd-delivery-cart { font-size: 13px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 360px) { .fenix-fixd-delivery-cart { font-size: 10px; } } .fenix-resp-span-date,.fenix-resp-span-shippingname,.fenix-resp-span-time{ color:#000 !important; } .fenix-fixd-delivery-cart strong{ font-weight:bold; color:#000; } </style> <script> if (window.location.pathname == "/cart" || window.location.pathname == "/cart/") { FenixDeliveryEstimates({ page: 'cart', cartItems: {{ cart.items | json }}, shop: "{{shop.permanent_domain}}", template: "{{template}}", fenixMessageStyles: { fontSize: '14px', messageHighlightColor: '#333', changeZipTextColor: '#333' } }); } $( document ).ajaxComplete(function( event, xhr, settings ) { if ( settings.url === JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage._fenixStoreInfo).delEstUrl ) { if( $(".fenix-fixd-delivery-cart").text() == "" || $("#fenix-message-left").text().length == 0 ){ $(".fenix-fixd-delivery-cart").hide(); }else{ $(".fenix-fixd-delivery-cart").show(); } } }); </script> <!--END FENIX CONFIGURATION CODE-->


  • Copy past the above-provided code snippet completely into fenix-cart-template.liquid file and don't forget to click the Save button. Refer to below sample screenshot

Please contact Fenix Customer Support Team fixdsupport@fenixcommerce.ai in case of any issue in the code snippets and for all queries.

Insert Fenix snippets in CART Template

  • Include the below snippets in cart-template.liquid at the mentioned code locations. 

  • Applicable Template Files: CART templates. 

  • code snippet must be included at the starting( line no:- 1) in cart-template.liquid file. Press enter to add the code snippet. Refer to below sample screenshot

Code Snippet 

<!-- START FENIX CONFIGURATION CODE -->  {%include 'fenix-cart-template' %}  <!-- END FENIX CONFIGURATION CODE --> 
  • Add the above code snippet in cart-template.liquid file and click the Save button.Refer to below sample screenshot

  • Search for a subtotal keyword in the cart-template.liquid file. Press enter at starting of <div>

Code Snippet

<!-- START FENIX ORDER LEVEL CODE -->  <div id="fenix-message-left" class="fenix-fixd-delivery-cart"></div>  <!-- END FENIX ORDER LEVEL CODE--> 
  • Insert the above code snippet in your cart-template.liquid file. We suggest you place it above the checkout button for order-level estimates. Click the Save button 

  • If you need to item level Estimated Delivery Dates in CART or for any styling changes such as font size, color, font style, etc. Please contact Fenix Customer Support Team fixdsupport@fenixcommerce.ai

  • Note:-Strictly Use only the existing <style> </style> section. Please reach out to Fenix for making any changes other than styling. 

Estimated Delivery Date on Shopping Cart Page


Last step to delete Session trackers:

  1. Login to store

  2. Visit  Admin->settings  -> checkout 

  3. In order status page add below code


<script> document.cookie = "fenixSSID=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;"; </script>


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