Delivery Estimate Rest API - V3.

Delivery Estimate Rest API - V3.

80% of the shoppers make buying decisions based on ship cost and delivery speed during pre-purchase. Fenix Delivery Experience Platform enables retailers to offer a personalized delivery experience to their customers through the entire shopping journey from pre-purchase to post-purchase.

Pre-requisites before making API requests to Fenix Delivery Experience Platform

  1. Carrier Information: The retailer should provide the current Carriers, the services opted for, carrier account information, or rate cards ( any specific). Kindly configure the carrier account information for fulfillment location-specific carrier accounts at a fulfillment location to get the most accurate rates. Global Credentials are always on priority.

  2. Fulfillment locations: Configure all the USA Fulfillment locations, including DC/Store, in the Business Console

    1. Lead Time (Time required to pick/pack/ship) for each fulfillment location after the order gets allocated

    2. Shipment Pick-up times for each carrier or by carrier service.

    3. Cut-off Time for the location

    4. Holidays for the location

  3. Inventory and Product: Various channels to share the inventory and product information with Fenix. Fenix's technical team helps you to choose the most appropriate method via SFTP/S3/Rest API.

  4. Integration varies from platform to platform. In the case of Bigcommerce or Shopify Fenix team will install the private app in the checkout, then retailer-specific PDP and CART Rest API endpoints will be provided by the Fenix team.

Integration Architecture

Zipcode Detection API

Fenix recommends zipcode detection on the PDP page load. If an existing API detects the buyer's zipcode using the customer IP address, kindly pass the zipcode as input to the Fenix EDD API. If not, please use fenix recommended zipcode detection API

API : https://ipapi.co/json/?key=<APIKEY>

  • Note: The API key needs to be purchased from the above vendor.


Session Track id

  • Session Track ID should be generated on the home page or on the first page that the user loads and should be stored as part of the browser's local storage or cookies.

  • Session Track ID should be saved till the window or browser gets closed.

  • A Session Track ID should be regenerated when the bag/cart expires and added to the order as a line item.

  • Session Track ID must be persisted as part of the order. Kill the session ID saved as part of cookies and generate a new session ID.

  • Note: In the Case of shopify headless Integration. Fenix can't provide accurate reports without implementing the session track ID.

  • Implementation Guide: Session Track ID in Fenix Integration

Delivery Estimate Rest API

Request & Response formats
  • All the request and response formats are accepted in application/JSON





Request Headers


  • tenantId : mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce434b8861c0fab14fb813

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • x-api-key: mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce434b8861c0fab14fb813

Request body sample

{ "buyerZipCode": "string", "sessionTrackId": "string", "orderId": "string", "cartId": "string", "pageType": "string", "monetaryValue": 0, "responseFormat": "string", "additionalProcessing": true, "skus": [ { "sku": "string", "quantity": 0, "category": "string", "productName":"string", "leadTime": 0, "dimensions": { "height": 0, "length": 0, "thickness": 0, "units": "CM/IN", "width": 0 }, "skuInventories": [ { "locationId": "string", "quantity": 0 } ], "weight": { "units": "LB", "value": 0 } } ], "shippingInfo": { "carrier": "string", "trackId": "string", "shippingDate": "2021-03-02T08:56:39-06:00", "service": { "name": "string", "method": "string" } } "buyerAddress": { "name": "string", "state": "string", "zipcode": "string", "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string" } }

Response body sample

{ "sessionId": null, "responseTimeInMs": 0, "eddResponses": [ { "webId": "string", "hours": "string", "minutes": "string", "response": "string", "shippingCost": { "amount": 0, "currency": "USD" }, "buyerZipCode": "string", "deliveryZone": "string", "shippingDateTime": "string", "shippingMethodDesc": "string", "internationalOrder": false, "formattedDeliveryDate": "string", "guaranteedDeliveryDate": "string", "errorMessage": null, "packages": [ { "carrier": "string", "wrapperType": "string", "shipperLocId": "string", "deliveryDate": "string", "shippingDate": "string", "shipperZipCode": "string", "shippingMethod": "string", "actualMethodDesc": "string", "externalShippingMethod": null, "contents": null } ], "shipCostBreakUp": { "breakups": [ { "name": "string", "charges": { "amount": 0, "currency": "USD" } } ] }, "orderRoutingInfo": [ { "sku": "string", "location_id": "string" } ], "shippingDeliveryDate": "string" } ] }


Request Body Attribute Definitions 






  • Unique session track id generated on per session basis on client side



"orderId": "123123123"

  • Order Id generated by the retailer system


"cartId": "123123123"

  • A Cart Id generated by the retailer system



"buyerZipCode" : "95129"

  • The zip of the item's buyer.



"pageType": "cop"

  • Rules are tied to page type value.

E.g., Show fastest EDD on PDP and show all EDD options on COP.

PDP - Product Detail Page

CART - CART page/shopping Bag page

COP - Check out Page

MC - Mini Cart

CA - Cart Abandonment

OC - Order Confirmation

SC - Shipping Confirmation

Send Values as part of a delivery estimate request



"monetaryValue": 50.0

  • Item price in PDP or the total cart in cart or total checkout value at checkout



"responseFormat" : "json"

  • The attribute provides the desired delivery estimate response format. Allowed formats are “Json” and “binary.” The default response format is JSON.


"additionalProcessing": true

  • True if a particular item required additional processing time than normal SKU




"skus": [ { "sku": "SKU-001", "leadTime": 0, "nonShip": false, "quantity": 1, "dimensions": { "height": 3, "length": 3, "width": 0, "thickness": 6, "units": "CM/IN" }, "skuInventories": [ { "locationId": "Dc-01", "quantity": 1 } ], "weight": { "units": "LB", "value": 0 } } ]
  • sku (mandatory): The item's SKU (stock keeping unit).

  • leadTime (optional): The time required to prepare the item to ship

  • productName (optional): The name of the product

  • category (optional): The category name of the product

  • quantity (mandatory): The number of items that were chosen to buy.

  • dimensions (optional):  The dimensions and weight of the item along with unit of measurement. Required only when there is no product & inventory sync integration with Fenix Commerce

  • skuInventories (mandatory): Inventory location and quantity details of SKU. This field serves as the routing information for this order

  • locationId (mandatory): The physical location (DC/Store ID) of the item. Required only when there is no product & inventory sync integration with Fenix Commerce

  • quantity (mandatory):The total quantity

  • weight (optional): The total weight of the item



"buyerAddress": {    "name": "Sharath Chandra", "address1": "5437", "address2": "castle", "city": " San Jose ", "state": "CA", "country": "USA", "zipcode": "95129” }
  • name (optional): Full name of the buyer

  • address1 (optional): The street address of the buyer address.

  • address2 (optional): An optional additional field for the street address of the buyer address.

  • city (optional): The city, town, or village of the buyer address

  • state (optional): The state of the buyer address

  • country (mandatory): The country code of the buyer address. It should be two letter ISO country code

  • zipcode (mandatory): The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the buyer address.




"shippingInfo": { "carrier": "string", "trackId": "string", "shippingDate": "2021-03-02T08:56:39-06:00", "service": { "name": "string", "method": "string" } }
  • carrier (mandatory): The carrier that is being used to ship the order with

  • trackId (optional): The tracking number for the order

  • shippingDate (optional): The actual shipping date for the order

  • service/name (optional): The name of the service being used for shipping

  • service/method (mandatory): The shipping method the order is being shipped with

Response Attribute Definitions

Delivery Estimates response vary from the type of rule configured in the business console.




This field contains a list of shipping estimates


"webId": "0194NCOS"

  • The item's SKU (stock keeping unit).


"hours": "2"


"minutes": "1"

  • Total min leftover for to order an item before configured cutoff time


"carrier": "fedex"

  • The name of the recommended shipping carrier


"response": "Order within <span class=fenix-resp-span-time>2 hrs 1 mins</span><br>Get it by <span class=fenix-resp-span-date>Fri, May 21</span> with <span class=fenix-resp-span-shippingname>Federal Express </span>" E.g. Order within 2 hrs 1 mins Get it by Fri, May 21 with Federal Express ·      

  • The formatted response required to paint the Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) on required page types. This format can be changed through Fenix business console



"shippingCost": {
            "amount": 0.00 ,
            "currency": "USD"

  • Amount : The shipcost need to pay by buyer

  • Currency: The shipcost currency format


"shipperLocId": null,

  • The shipping location Id of the retailer’s DC/Store


"buyerZipCode": "10001"

  • The zipcode of the customer


"shipperZipCode": "10001",

  • The shipping location zipcode of the retailer’s DC/Store


"shippingMethod": null,

  • The shipping method to choose by retailer


"shippingDateTime": "19 May 2021, 19:00",

  • The shipping date time of the shipment by a retailer


"actualMethodDesc": "Fedex Ground" ,

  • The actual method description of a shipping method


"shippingMethodCode": "Free Standard Delivery"

  • The shipping method code delivery date to show it to end customer


"shippingMethodDesc": "Free Standard Delivery"

  • The shipping method description


"shippingDeliveryDate": "Wed, 26 May 2021"

·       The minimum delivery date that item will be delivered. In few cases this will be date range


"formattedDeliveryDate": "Wed, May 26" ·       The formatted delivery date to show it to end customer on various pages


"guaranteedDeliveryDate": "Wed, 26 May 2021" ·       The guaranteed delivery date provided by Fenix Commerce


"errorMessage": null,

  • The delivery estimate error responses in case of inventory not found , tenant disabled etc


"packages": [{

            "carrier": "DHL",

            "wrapperType": "DEFAULT",

            "shipperLocId": "manual",

            "shipperZipCode": "90058",

            "actualMethodDesc": "DHL SM Parcel Ground",

            "contents": {

                        "0194NCOS": 100




The number of shippable packages information per service response basis

  • Carrier: The name of the carrier

  • wrapperType: The package or box type need to be used to ship the package

  • shipperLocId: The DC/Store unique Id

  • shipperZipCode: The DC/Store zipcode

  • actualMethodDesc: The actual shipping method description

  • contents: The sku and quantity information in particular package




"pickUpTimes": {
            "81": "05-19-2021 19:00",
            "82": "05-19-2021 19:00"

·       The configured pickup time of each shipping service method code

"shipping service method code" : "Configured pickup time."


This field contains a list of pick up responses


This field shows the distance (in miles) within which the fulfillment locations are considered


This field contains a list of stores the customers can go and pick up their order


The location Id of the pick up store


The address of the pick up store


The distance of the store to the buyer


This field lets the user know if there is any cost associated with the pick up


Shows the Google Maps url


This field tells the customers how soon they can pick the order after it is placed


The products that are included in this pick up


This field tells you the working hours of the store.


The above request is a Fenix commerce master request with all the attributes the request body will change based on the retailer, such as inventory product feed integration.

PDP Integration Procedure


  • Restrict the delivery estimates to only USA region and for only USA Customers

  • Don't make a delivery estimate call if the item is out of stock and other exceptional handling cases

Signed User

  • On page PDP page load, detect buyer Zipcode using the default address

  • If not available, Detect the buyer’s Zipcode using the IP address of the customer.

  • Provide an input field to enter five digits zip code if the buyer wishes to check the estimates for another location should be enabled only on PDP

  • Save the latest buyer Zipcode in browser cache to reuse in CART request as well. Clear the Zipcode from the browser cache as soon as the user closes the browser or tab 

Guest User

  • Zipcode detection starts with https://ipapi.com/ , and the rest of the procedure is the same as above

Delivery Estimate Call

  • Call Fenix delivery estimate API after product images and variants get loaded in the PDP Page

  • Pass product price, SKU Id, Unique sessionTrackId, and buyer Zipcode to below API. It applies when the buyer selects a different variant on the PDP page as well

  • Page type should be PDP when the call is initiated from the PDP page

  • sessionTrackId should generate one per session and pass the same PDP and CART delivery estimate requests. sessionTrackId should live until customers sign out of the website or close the browser/tab

Sample PDP API Integration Details

  • Show fastest estimates at CART level



Request Headers


  • tenantId : mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce43dfsfds4b8861c0fab14fb813

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • x-api-key: mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce434b8861ckkndfsdk0fab14fb813

Request Body Sample:

{ "buyerAddress": { "country": "US", "zipcode": "10002" }, "orderId": "no-token", "sessionTrackId": "MTYxNzc2MTI0MzE5MS10b21ib3l4LmNvbS02OTQ1Mw==", "internalSessionUUID": "cf500124-a374-4095-abed-d570250174da", "buyerZipCode": "10002", "monetaryValue": "30.00", "pageType": "pdp", "responseFormat": "json", "skus": [ { "quantity": 1, "sku": "black-leather-bag", "skuInventories": [ { "locationId": "manual", "quantity": 1 } ] } ] }


Response Body Sample

{ "sessionId": null, "responseTimeInMs": 161, "eddResponses": [ { "webId": "black-leather-bag", "hours": "1", "minutes": "58", "response": "Order within <b>1 Hrs 58 Mins</b> to get it by <b>Mon, Jul 18</b>", "shippingCost": null, "buyerZipCode": "10002", "deliveryZone": "DEFAULT", "shippingDateTime": "15 Jul 2022, 16:30", "shippingMethodDesc": "Expedited", "internationalOrder": false, "formattedDeliveryDate": "Mon, Jul 18", "guaranteedDeliveryDate": "Mon, 18 Jul 2022", "errorMessage": null, "packages": [ { "carrier": "FEDEX", "wrapperType": "DEFAULT", "shipperLocId": "64364413079", "deliveryDate": "Mon, Jul 18", "shippingDate": "15 Jul 2022, 16:30", "shipperZipCode": "10011", "shippingMethod": "STANDARD_OVERNIGHT", "actualMethodDesc": "STANDARD_OVERNIGHT", "externalShippingMethod": null, "contents": { "black-leather-bag": 1 } } ], "shipCostBreakUp": null, "orderRoutingInfo": null, "prePurchaseShippingInfos": null, "shippingDeliveryDate": "Mon, 18 Jul 2022", "code": null } ], "smartShippingResponses": null, "pickFromStoreResponse": { "locationsWithIn": "50.0 miles", "storeInfos": [ { "locId": "64364413079", "address": { "id": null, "address1": "156 10th Avenue", "address2": "", "city": "New York", "country": "US", "state": "NY", "zipcode": "10011", "phone": null, "timeZone": null, "shortZone": "CT" }, "distance": "0.00 miles", "pickUpCost": 0.0, "mapsRoute": null, "leadTimeForPickUp": 4, "lineItems": { "black-leather-bag": 1 }, "workingHours": { "Sunday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Monday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Tuesday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Wednesday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Thursday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Friday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Saturday": "09:00 - 18:00" }, "pickUpTitle": "Pick at New York in 4 hrs", "pickUpDescription": "156 10th Avenue,New York,NY,10011" } ] } }



CART and Checkout Page Integration Procedure 


  • Restrict the delivery estimates to only USA region and for only USA Customers

  • Don't make a delivery estimate call if the item is out of stock and other exceptional handling cases

CART API Details

  • Show fastest estimates at CART level



Request Headers


  • tenantId : mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce43dfsfds4b8861c0fab14fb813

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • x-api-key: mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce434b8861ckkndfsdk0fab14fb813

Request Body Sample:

{ "buyerAddress": { "country": "US", "zipcode": "10002" }, "orderId": "no-token", "sessionTrackId": "MTYxNzc2MTI0MzE5MS10b21ib3l4LmNvbS02OTQ1Mw==", "internalSessionUUID": "cf500124-a374-4095-abed-d570250174da", "buyerZipCode": "10002", "monetaryValue": "30.00", "pageType": "cart", "responseFormat": "json", "skus": [ { "quantity": 1, "sku": "black-leather-bag", "skuInventories": [ { "locationId": "manual", "quantity": 1 } ] } ] }


Response Body Sample

{ "sessionId": null, "responseTimeInMs": 192, "eddResponses": [ { "webId": "black-leather-bag", "hours": "1", "minutes": "56", "response": "1 Order within next <b>1 Hours 56 Minutes</b>, Get it by <b>Wed, Jul 20</b> with <b>Priority</b>. Faster shipping options available at Checkout", "shippingCost": null, "buyerZipCode": "10002", "deliveryZone": "DEFAULT", "shippingDateTime": "15 Jul 2022, 16:30", "shippingMethodDesc": "Priority", "internationalOrder": false, "formattedDeliveryDate": "Wed, Jul 20", "guaranteedDeliveryDate": "Wed, 20 Jul 2022", "errorMessage": null, "packages": [ { "carrier": "FEDEX", "wrapperType": "DEFAULT", "shipperLocId": "64364413079", "deliveryDate": "Wed, Jul 20", "shippingDate": "15 Jul 2022, 16:30", "shipperZipCode": "10011", "shippingMethod": "FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER", "actualMethodDesc": "FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER", "externalShippingMethod": null, "contents": { "black-leather-bag": 1 } } ], "shipCostBreakUp": null, "orderRoutingInfo": null, "prePurchaseShippingInfos": null, "shippingDeliveryDate": "Wed, 20 Jul 2022", "code": null } ], "smartShippingResponses": null, "pickFromStoreResponse": { "locationsWithIn": "50.0 miles", "storeInfos": [ { "locId": "64364413079", "address": { "id": null, "address1": "156 10th Avenue", "address2": "", "city": "New York", "country": "US", "state": "NY", "zipcode": "10011", "phone": null, "timeZone": null, "shortZone": "CT" }, "distance": "0.00 miles", "pickUpCost": 0.0, "mapsRoute": null, "leadTimeForPickUp": 4, "lineItems": { "black-leather-bag": 1 }, "workingHours": { "Sunday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Monday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Tuesday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Wednesday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Thursday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Friday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Saturday": "09:00 - 18:00" }, "pickUpTitle": "Pick at New York in 4 hrs", "pickUpDescription": "156 10th Avenue,New York,NY,10011" } ] } }



Checkout Page Request and Response





Request Headers


  • tenantId : mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce434b8861c0fab14fb813

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • x-api-key: mdnf79df0n89na1f2ce434b8861c0fab14fb813

Request Body

{ "buyerAddress": { "country": "US", "zipcode": "10002" }, "orderId": "no-token", "sessionTrackId": "MTYxNzc2MTI0MzE5MS10b21ib3l4LmNvbS02OTQ1Mw==", "internalSessionUUID": "cf500124-a374-4095-abed-d570250174da", "buyerZipCode": "10002", "monetaryValue": "30.00", "pageType": "cop", "responseFormat": "json", "skus": [ { "quantity": 1, "sku": "black-leather-bag", "skuInventories": [ { "locationId": "manual", "quantity": 1 } ] } ] }


Respone Body

{ "sessionId": null, "responseTimeInMs": 1065, "eddResponses": [ { "webId": "black-leather-bag", "hours": "1", "minutes": "55", "response": "Order within <b>1 Hrs 55 Mins</b> to get it by <b>Mon, Jul 18</b>", "shippingCost": { "amount": 4.99, "currency": "USD" }, "buyerZipCode": "10002", "deliveryZone": "DEFAULT", "shippingDateTime": "15 Jul 2022, 16:30", "shippingMethodDesc": "Standard", "internationalOrder": false, "formattedDeliveryDate": "Mon, Jul 18", "guaranteedDeliveryDate": "Mon, 18 Jul 2022", "errorMessage": null, "packages": [ { "carrier": "FEDEX", "wrapperType": "DEFAULT", "shipperLocId": "64364413079", "deliveryDate": "Mon, Jul 18", "shippingDate": "15 Jul 2022, 16:30", "shipperZipCode": "10011", "shippingMethod": "FEDEX_GROUND", "actualMethodDesc": "FEDEX_GROUND", "externalShippingMethod": null, "contents": { "black-leather-bag": 1 } } ], "shipCostBreakUp": { "breakups": [ { "name": "BASE_CHARGES", "charges": { "amount": 11.16, "currency": "USD" } } ] }, "orderRoutingInfo": [ { "sku": "black-leather-bag", "location_id": "64364413079" } ], "prePurchaseShippingInfos": null, "shippingDeliveryDate": "Mon, 18 Jul 2022", "code": null } ], "smartShippingResponses": null, "pickFromStoreResponse": { "locationsWithIn": "50.0 miles", "storeInfos": [ { "locId": "64364413079", "address": { "id": null, "address1": "156 10th Avenue", "address2": "", "city": "New York", "country": "US", "state": "NY", "zipcode": "10011", "phone": null, "timeZone": null, "shortZone": "CT" }, "distance": "0.00 miles", "pickUpCost": 0.0, "mapsRoute": null, "leadTimeForPickUp": 4, "lineItems": { "black-leather-bag": 1 }, "workingHours": { "Sunday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Monday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Tuesday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Wednesday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Thursday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Friday": "09:00 - 18:00", "Saturday": "09:00 - 18:00" }, "pickUpTitle": "Pick at New York in 4 hrs", "pickUpDescription": "156 10th Avenue,New York,NY,10011" } ] } }



Exception Use Cases :

Use Case

HTTP Status Code

Response Payload

Use Case

HTTP Status Code

Response Payload

Invalid Inventory


"error_code": "600",
"identifier": "INVALID_INVENTORY",
"error_message": "Inventory is not found for these items: 11001-BU-345",
"description": "Invalid Inventory"

Invalid TenantId


"error_code": "400",
"identifier": "INVALID_PARAMETERS",
"error_message": "Organization or Organization Config is null for tenantId: 986ca45fb2254e9f9cf1faf4c8c103501\n",
"description": "Delivery Estimates requested parameters should not be null"

Invalid Zipcode


"error_code": "400",
"identifier": "INVALID_PARAMETERS",
"error_message": "Invalid Buyer Zipcode: 101\n",
"description": "Delivery Estimates requested parameters should not be null"

Invalid Page Type


"error_code": "400",
"identifier": "INVALID_PARAMETERS",
"error_message": "Please provide a valid page type, it should be any of PDP/CART/COP/MC/CA/OC/SC",
"description": "Delivery Estimates requested parameters should not be null"

Invalid Product Info


"error_code": "400",
"identifier": "INVALID_PARAMETERS",
"error_message": "Product Info should not be null/empty",
"description": "Delivery Estimates requested parameters should not be null"

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