Bigcommerce- Branded Tracking Integration Integration

Bigcommerce- Branded Tracking Integration Integration

This integration discusses integrating and replacing your default tracking page URL with Fenix branded tracking page URL.

Things must have

  1. Login to the Bigcommerce admin panel

  2. Fenix Team provided Temporary production Branded tracking page URL

Steps :

  1. Login to Bigcommerce account

3. On the left-hand side of the Admin Panel, you should be able to see “Marketing“, Visit the “Marketing“ link and then “Transactional Emails



5. Check “Order Status Update“ template should be editable.

6. In the phrases section, you should be able to find one more phrase. We will name this exercise “fenix_tracking_url

7. For Example, Fenix provided a production tracking url Looks like this


8. Considering to this, we should exactly copy this URL except “1234“ from the URL

Looks like https://tracking.fenixcommerce.com/mystore/tracking/mystore?tracking_numbers=

9. Final Settings look like below :

10. Coming to the coding section. You should be able to replace some parts of the code with new ones.

Existing code looks like below :

{{#if order.tracking}} <ul> {{#each order.tracking}} <li> <p> <a href='{{link}}' target='_blank'> {{#if id }} {{id}} {{else}} {{lang 'tracking_label'}} {{/if}} </a> {{#if shipping_method }} ({{shipping_method}}) {{/if}} </p> </li> {{/each}} </ul> {{else}} <p>{{lang 'no_tracking_numbers'}}</p> {{/if}}

Should be modify to below

{{#if order.tracking}} <ul> {{#each order.tracking}} <li> <p> {{#if id }} <a href='{{fenix_tracking_url}}{{id}}' target='_blank'> {{lang 'tracking_label'}} </a> {{else}} <a href='{{link}}' target='_blank'> {{lang 'tracking_label'}} </a> {{/if}} {{#if shipping_method }} ({{shipping_method}}) {{/if}} </p> </li> {{/each}} </ul> {{else}} <p>{{lang 'no_tracking_numbers'}}</p> {{/if}}

11. Click on save. It should be done.


Thank you