Fenix commerce integration with Shopify can be accomplished using the below steps
Install Fenix Intelligent Delivery Public App from Shopify Marketplace
Integrate and enable Delivery dates and ship cost on PDP, CART, and Mini Cart using the below methods
Pre-built Fenix Scripts
Headless Mode
Fenix Intelligent Delivery Public App from Shopify Marketplace
Fenix Intelligent Delivery Public App installation is mandatory for all the retailer. It will enable the Fenix estimated delivery date on the checkout page as a default feature.
Enable Delivery dates and ship cost on PDP, CART, and Mini Cart
Pre-built Fenix Scripts: This is mainly recommended to the retailer who uses Shopify Base themes without any retailer special handling scenarios. Estimated Delivery Dates and ship cost can be enabled on PDP, CART less 15 mins using Fenix default scripts
Headless Mode: This is mainly recommended to the retailer who has customized heavily with special handling scenarios or rewritten in different languages such as Vue.js and rect.js etc.