Fenix provides multiple ways to consume the product and the inventory data from retailers. For retailers who are on platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, etc., Fenix use the platform specific webhooks to retrieve that information.
For retailers who are not on such platforms, Fenix provides a feed upload service where the retailer can upload the necessary data, product, inventory, order, etc., to a agreed upon cloud location and Fenix can consume that data within 5 minutes of the upload. The retailers who are on Shopify or BigCommerce but maintain a consolidated inventory in Shopify can also use this cloud upload feature.
Folder structure and description
Fenix provides two ways to upload the product and inventory feed.
Below is a common folder structure of either of the above two locations.
The description of each folder is as below.
If the retailer wants to upload a complete snapshot of their inventory, they can upload the feed into this folder. Existing inventory will be discarded and will be overwritten with the new one.
2. delta
If the retailer wants to upload a delta inventory, they can upload the feed into this folder. This feed is basically the changes that happened to their inventory since their last inventory/delta upload. Only the SKUs present in this feed will be modified. Others will not be touched.
3. product
If the retailer wants to upload a complete snapshot of their product catalogue, they can upload the feed into this folder. Existing product data will be discarded and will be overwritten with the new one.
4. product-delta
If the retailer wants to upload a delta product feed, they can upload the feed into this folder. This feed is basically the changes that happened to their product since their last product/product-delta upload. This feed can contain any new SKUs added or any changes to the existing products. Only the SKUs present in this feed will be modified. Others will not be touched.
Data processing time
Usually any feed that is uploaded into the above folders will be processed within 5 minutes.
Data feed formats
Below are sample product and inventory feed formats
Product Feed Format
2. Inventory Feed Format
Data Feed Location Access
These details will be provided once the customer gives us their preference (SFTP or S3).