Fenix Global EDD Script in the Shopify themes: Enable Fenix’s estimated delivery date on PDP and CART page; there are few prerequisite information required for Fenix API to provide estimates. Global script’s primary responsibility is
Click your store admin URL https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin
Rename the duplicated theme as Fenix Integration-yourthemename for better visibility and avoid confusion for other developers. Refer to the below sample screenshot
Please use the above theme.
Search the Snippets keyword in the search box and click on Add a new Snippet. Refer to the sample screenshot below.
Copy and paste the above-provided code snippet completely into fenix-pdp-template.liquid file, and don't forget to click the Save button. Refer to the below sample screenshot.
Fenix Recommendation: Our preference has always been to show the message right above the Add to Cart button or below the product price as it would be more appropriate locations to capture customers' attention.
It will differ from theme to theme and retailer to retailer. The below example is shown using the default theme in the development store.
Search PDP template(s).In the case of the default theme, in my case file name is product-template.liquid. If you don't find the PDP templates contact the theme developer, or Please contact Fenix Customer Support Team fixdsupport@fenixcommerce.ai in case of any issue in the code snippets and for all queries.
Search and find the add to cart button code and place the Fenix script above the add to cart button tag for better conversion. If you’re unable to find the code contact your theme developer, or Please contact Fenix Customer Support Team fixdsupport@fenixcommerce.ai .
Use the below snippets depends on your theme.
Code Block {% if product.selected_or_first_available_variant.available %} {% include 'fenix-pdp-template' %} {% endif %}
Place the above code snippet and click the Save button.
Reload the theme and successfully able to see Fenix Estimated delivery dates on PDP, which has a valid Inventory in the Fenix system.
This ends PDP integration.
CART Integration
Fenix Shopping CART code snippet Features.
Click your store admin URL https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/admin
Search Snippets keyword in the search and click on Add a new Snippet. Refer to the below sample screenshot
Create and name the new snippet as fenix-cart-template.liquid and clickCreate Snippetbutton. Refer to the below sample screenshot
fenix-cart-template.liquid Code snippet
Code Block |
<div class="fenix-delivery-estimate-cart"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> FenixDeliveryEstimates_Cart({ cartitems : {{ cart.items | json }}, shopurl : '{{shop.permanent_domain}}', }) </script> |
Copy and paste the above-provided code snippet completely into fenix-cart-template.liquid file, and don't forget to click the Save button. Refer to the below sample screenshot
Add the above code snippet in cart-template.liquid file and click the Save button. Refer to the below sample screenshot
Search for a subtotal keyword in the cart-template.liquid file. Press enter at starting of <div>
If you need item-level Estimated Delivery Dates in CART or for any styling changes such as font size, color, font style, etc. Please contact Fenix Customer Support Team fixdsupport@fenixcommerce.ai
Note:-Strictly Use only the existing <style> </style> section. Please reach out to Fenix to make any changes other than styling.
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In order status page, add below code