Multi Shipment Status API Components | |
place_dttm | |
order_summary | Contains order related information such as { "number": "AAA", "placed_date": "Wednesday, September 07 2022", "promised_date": "Monday, September 12 2022", "split_delivery_date": { "day": "Monday", "month": "September", "date": "12", "year": "2022" }, "total_item_quantity": 3, "total_filled_item_quantity": 2, "line_items": [ { "sku": "456", "quantity": 1, "name": "double cleanse full size kit - each", "title": "double cleanse full size kit", "variantId": "41694522802328", "image_url": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0420/7683/1896/products/double-cleanse-set_carton-front.jpg?v=1653587001", "product_id": "7255087710360", "routing_url": "https://www.store-us.com/products/double-cleanse-full-size-kit" } ] } line_items : Contains all the product details which are part of order. Note : If there is discrepancy between total_filled_item_quantity and total_item_quantity then Fenix will display remaining items as unshipped items. |
shipment_summaries | Contains list of shipments. Each shipments contains information such as [ { "edd_info": { "delivery_date": "Friday, September 09 2022", "promised_date": "Monday, September 12 2022", "delivery_message": "Yay, it\"s early...", "expected_shipment_date": "Wednesday, September 07 2022", "split_delivery_date": { "day": "Friday", "month": "September", "date": "09", "year": "2022" }, "header_name": "Expected Delivery Date" }, "tracking_number": "123", "carrier_name": "UPS", "event_message": "Left Warehouse", "item_quantity": 2, "line_items": [ { "sku": "123", "quantity": 1, "name": "special cleansing gel - travel - 1.7 oz", "title": "special cleansing gel - travel", "variantId": "11123", "image_url": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0420/7683/1896/products/specialcleansinggel_1.7oz_98dee553-f068-43c8-a94b-5cb93e84d0c1.jpg?v=164", "product_id": "5710539751576", "routing_url": "https://www.store-us.com/products/special-cleansing-gel-travel" }
Note : If line_items contains tracking_number then we can track the shipment from the current page, otherwise we will display No Tracking Details Found text. |